Who am I ?

A presentation to know me better

I am Maxence Bazin, 22 years old, computer engineer specialized in Artificial Intelligence, former student of ENSEIRB-MATMECA. Since I was a child, I have been interested in science and its discoveries, as well as in the entire field of video games. I became interested in computer science in middle school when I wanted to create my first video game with a classmate. From that moment on, I have been working on projects in various fields.

I am not only interested in computer science, I like everything that touches on creation. For example, drawing or creating a world (worldbulding). Although these activities remain secondary to my computer practices.

In addition, I love sports, a passion that my father passed on to me from a young age. So I practiced many sports such as judo, swimming, volleyball or tennis. Currently, I run and occasionally play tennis.

I like to set myself very long-term goals. Here are two, to continue developing one of the worlds I have built, Historia, and to succeed in releasing something concrete with it. Whether it's a game or a new one.

My journey

My school journey

The interesting start of my journey begins in high school with my ICN option. A second discovery of the notions of applied algorithms to computer science (the first was a discovery in my free time, but I will explain that below).

In the first year of high school, I chose the Engineering Science path. I realized a very big project "scientific" related to computer science, with a classmate with whom I share my journey since then, Alexandre Boin.

In the final year of high school, we had the choice of an option, between Math and ISN, I chose ISN. Computer science and digital science. It was in this option that I discovered for a third time the notions of algorithms applied to computer science. For the BAC passage, we had to present a project. With Aleanxdre Boin and another classmate we presented a demo of a video game.

After high school, I was admitted to the IUT Informatique de Bordeaux for two years. There, I was taught to program for the fourth time... But I learned other important notions. For example all the advanced web notions, or graphs for example. At the IUT I did a lot of projects and I was able to meet people with whom I had very good experiences, despite the two years of covid. The projects proposed by the IUT were very enriching, interesting. At the end of this course, I did my internship remotely, so at home, in connection with the University of Tsukuba. My internship consisted of our group participating in a competition for generating a village on minecraft. We won this 2021 edition.

On the wire, I was accepted at ENSEIRB-MATMECA, for 3 years of an engineering course. My first year went relatively well. In my second year, I was able to use some of my personal projects in class, which I am delighted about.

My non-school journey

First of all, my learning method is the project method. That is to say that we learn a necessary base in a field, to learn what follows and consolidate the base in one or more projects. The advantage of this method is motivation, a perspective on what we are going to learn and what we must know how to do. It also serves to have more projects to show on a site like this one :D.

It was the desire to make my own video games that led me to discover this magnificent and vast field that is computer science. I started hard, not very long ago, by learning to program in c++. I completely changed my perspective by being interested in Construct 2. A block programming software that allowed me to do quite a bit at the time. It is with these two "languages" that I learned the bulk of the algorithms.

Then in high school in ICN, I reviewed all these notions and discovered Processing. I experimented a lot with it myself, and I still use it today because it is very easy to make small graphic applications.

I had already made a few small sites, to learn HTML and CSS, but it was nothing compared to what I learned with Alexandre when we did our room reservation project. Notions like more standardized, more structured HTML, so that Google appreciates it in particular. More complicated css (even if I haven't retained everything, just seeing the style of this site :-)). To make our booker work, I learned PHP and SQL to talk to a database.

Between the first and the final year, I learned Java by myself to do more complex projects than those I did under Processing. That's where I did my first Game Jam, then my library using OpenGL.

For the ISN option, in the final year of high school, I learned Python and that's where I did one of the projects I am most proud of, Coop Dungeon Adventure.

At the IUT in two years, I learned a lot of things. Following the curriculum, I learned C, advanced SQL, javascript. By myself, I also learned a lot and undertook a lot. With my new super mega buddy Anthoine Guilbaud, I discovered c# and also Winform with him. Also in this period I touched c++ again.

During my first year at ENSEIRB-MATMECA, I had the project of updating my Java library with everything I learned these last two years and to redo CDA but more ambitious. Currently I am a level designer and gameplay programmer on the project Castle of Fate, still, in collaboration with Antoine Guilbaud.