Defend Pangolin Eggs

Project 13



IronPowerTGa and me really like to work both on a same game and et less than a week away of the 46th edition of the Ludum Dare, we decided to participate together. We quickly prepare a basic project usable for any game. The theme of this edition was "Keep it alive". From this theme we decided to create a game where you have to defend something, the tower defence game genre. Here this genre suited perfectly with the theme. We chose the Pangolin Eggs as thing to defend because ... why not ?!

We organised our work like TGA, we have even enhanced our roles. Mine was to draw the entire game, so I drawn all sprites. The terrain, the enemies, the light effect, the menus. I build the level under Tiled too because we had the system to load it. For the menu I chose a very refined, clean, simple style, with fiew colors used. I got inspired by other same game genre to developp the sprite of enemies trying to destroy our precious eggs. IronPowerTGA code all of parts needed to do vehicules movements, wave management, AI of turrets.

After one day of working, we needed a interface to buy and upgrade buildings we have placed on the terrain. So it was my role to create this interface, it look simple, but it used and was linked with every systems making the game working

From the fiew hours remaining, to 4 AM we created in a sort of rushing, waves of enemies. Until the last minute, we balanced the game. The result gives a game that we like and which is very complicated, where every action has to be thought, every turret placement is important. For example get the star for the second level, i.e. not taking any damage, is very very difficult.

Visuals - (Click on one pick to enlarge it)

Game home. Map 1. Map 2. Map 2 while a short time passed.

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