Growth: test of a platformer game

Project 6



After the "Roombook" project, I wanted to change the scope of on I worked. I decided to swap from the simplified java proposed by Processing that I was using for more than a year, to the full true language For this project, I created a game in a genre which is very precious for me : the platformer genre (like mario) The project was a bit to much ambitious tho I suspend it but it makes me learn so much knoledgew. I don't exclude the fact to continue the game because the ideas gameplay where pretty solid even if these could be improved.

Thanks to this project, I was able to improve myself in Java, I began to work with "OpenGl", a programmation interface and a graphics renderer. I produced a bunch of useful code a basic 2d video game engine which includes scenes management, drawing of textures and texts, buttons for user interface, and a beginning of entities management essential for a more advanced game. Using this bunch of code, I was able to do quicker tests outside of projets.

To finish, I improved myself in vector drawing because most of all graphic resources was produced by me.

Visuals (Click on one pick to enlarge it)

Game home. User settings menu. Start of the game. Interaction with an acorn. Interaction with the acorn collector. Back after a save.

Hey test test